
Vivaro Poker


I spent a long time learning the Vivaro and know exactly how to fix the no power. So if you want what I know, and being a diagnostic tech it's true info; ema. Vivaropoker-ի երկրորդ մրցաշար հայկական շոու-բիզնեսի աստղերի մասնակցությամբ: Դիտեք մեզ Հ2-ի եթերում ամեն ուրբաթ և.

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Supported PokerStars Clients: COM, BE, BG, CZ, DESH, DK, EE, ES, EU, FR, IN, IT, NJCOM, PT, RO, RUSO, SE, UK, ASIA (6up), NET, PACOM
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Supported PokerStars Clients: COM, BE, BG, CZ, DESH, DK, EE, ES, EU, FR, IN, IT, NJCOM, PT, RO, RUSO, SE, UK, ASIA (6up), NET, PACOM
Vivaro Poker

What does Jivaro do?

Jivaro was made to make your play easier,
and here we have full guide of how you can use it.

What does Jivaro do?

Jivaro Premium utilizes what we call the 'core statistics' circular indicator which utilizes graphical meters to show the value of each of the three core stats. It shows how many hands a user plays (VPIP), how aggressive they play pre-flop (PFR) and how aggressive they play post-flop (AFq). Even users that have never used a HUD feel at ease with the circular indicator.

see all fatures

Vivaro Poker Am

The look

Vivaro Poker

The Command Center is activated by pressing the Jivaro logo appearing above the PokerStars chat window and is closed by pressing the “X”. It offers three major features: Street Selector, Info Panel and Live Pot Odds.