
Online Call Break Real Money


🏆🏆Play Call Break Multiplayer Online and Offline with Friends, Family & Random Strangers🏆🏆 More than Million Players! CallBreak is a strategic trick-taking card game. It is the most loved south-Asian variation of spades, popular in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh. Millions love our tas game.

Call break game app is certainly known as the most classic and well-liked card game that runs on almost all of the operating systems. With our call break card game developer, we will deliver your users with thrilling gaming experiences that can be played with anyone, anytime and anywhere. Call break game is a strategic trap-taking card game. Callbreak Multiplayer brings classic and popular card game with online multiplayer feature to the Google Play Store. Game Rules Callbreak is a trick-taking card game played with a standard 52-card deck between four players. There are 5 rounds in a game. Players' sitting direction and the first dealer are selected before the first round begins. To randomize player's sitting direction and the.

Callbreak Multiplayer brings classic and popular card game with online multiplayer feature to the Google Play Store.
Game Rules
Callbreak is a trick-taking card game played with a standard 52-card deck between four players. There are 5 rounds in a game. Players' sitting direction and the first dealer are selected before the first round begins. To randomize player's sitting direction and the first dealer, each player draws a card from the deck, and based on the order of the cards, their directions and first dealer are fixed. Dealers are changed successively in anti-clockwise direction in the following rounds.
In each round, a dealer starting from their right, deals all the cards in anti-clockwise direction to all the players without revealing any card, making 13 cards per each player.
All four players, starting from the player to dealer's right bid a number of tricks that they must win in that round in order to get a positive score, otherwise they will get a negative score.
In Callbreak, Spades are the trump cards.
In each trick, player must follow the same suit; if unable, player must play a trump card if eligible to win; if unable, player can play any card of their choice.
Player must always try to win the trick, in other words (s)he must play higher cards possible.
The first trick in a round is led by player to dealer's right with any card of any suit. Each player, in turn plays in anti-clockwise direction. A trick containing a spade is won by the highest spade played; if no spade is played, the trick is won by the highest card of the same suit. The winner of each trick leads to the next trick.
Player that takes at least as many tricks as her bid receives a score equal to her bid. Additional tricks (Over Tricks) are worth an extra 0.1 times one point each. If unable to get the stated bid, score will be deducted equal to the stated bid.
After 4 rounds are completed, scores are summed to help players set a goal for their final round. After the final round, winner and runner-ups of the game are declared.
- Intuitive drag interface to play a card
- Bots with improved AI in single player mode
- Multiplayer with random online players
- Multiplayer with online facebook friends
Coming soon:
- Local/wifi/hotspot multiplayer
- Score history, statistics
- Leaderboard and achievements
- Sounds and notifications
Also try the web version
Localized name of the game:
- Callbreak (in Nepal)
- Lakdi, Lakadi (in India)

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